Zimbra is an enterprise-class email, calendar and collaboration solution built for the cloud, both public and private. With a redesigned browser-based interface, Zimbra offers the most innovative messaging experience available today, connecting end users to the information and activity in their personal clouds.
0. Preliminary requirements:
"CentOS 7" template installed on server;
Fully configured domain with MX record pointing to VPS;
"sendmail" removed from the server (yum remove sendmail -y).
1. Installing pre-requisites
yum install nano nc sysstat libtool-ltdl ntp -y
2. Downloading and unpacking Zimbra
First we have to download Zimbra archive. Newest version can be found at: https://zimbra.org/download/zimbra-collaboration
wget https://files.zimbra.com/downloads/8.7.0_GA/zcs-8.7.0_GA_1659.RHEL7_64.20160628202714.tgz
After download is completed unpack it:
tar xzf zcs-8.7.0_GA_1659.RHEL7_64.20160628202714.tgz
3. Installing Zimbra
For Zimbra installation we have to move to Zimbra folder:
cd zcs-8.7.0_GA_1659.RHEL7_64.20160628202714
And execute this command:
./install.sh --platform-override
During installation process you will have to accept Zimbra license agreements by pressing Y and select packages for installation, we suggest you use a default values.
By continuing installation process you should reach a configuration section in which you should select "zimbra-store" option:
Address unconfigured (**) items (? - help) 7
After this you should modify your admin user. For that select option 3:
Select, or 'r' for previous menu [r] 3
After editing email, you will also be prompted to set up admin user password:
You also might want to edit notification email in options 21 and 22:
After configuring "zimbra-store" options return to previous menu:
Select, or 'r' for previous menu [r] r
And apply your configuration:
Select from menu, or press 'a' to apply config (? - help) a
4. Using Zimbra
After installation is finished you will be able to access your Zimbra admin area in your browser:
And user area:
For more information about Zimbra you can visit - https://zimbra.org/